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Arcaflow Expressions Development Guide

The expressions library provides the engine and other potential users with a simple way to compile expressions and provide typing information about an expression result.

The library consists of two parts: the internal parser/AST and the API layer.

The Parser / AST

The expressions parser constructs an Abstract Syntax Tree from the expression which can then be walked by the API layer. The AST consists of the following node types:

Dot Notation

Let’s say you have an expression The dot notation node is the dot in the middle. The left subtree of the dot will be the entire expression left of the dot, while the right subtree will be everything to the right.

Bracket Expression

Bracket expressions are expressions in the form of foo[bar]. The left subtree will represent the expression to the left of the brackets (foo in the example), while the right subtree will represent the subexpression within the brackets (bar in the example).

Binary Operations

Binary operations include all of the operations that have a left and right subtree that do not have a special node representing them (dot notation and bracket expression are examples of special cases). Binary operations are represented by a node containing an operation and the subtrees to which the operation is applied.

Unary Operations

Unary operations include boolean complement ! and numeric negation -. Unary operations are represented by a node containing an operation and the subtree to which the operation is applied. Unlike binary operations, unary operations have only one subtree.


Identifiers come in two forms:

  1. $ references the root of the data structure.
  2. A plain string identifier from a token matching the regular expression ^\w+$. This may be used for accessing object fields or as function identifiers.

The API Layer

The API layer provides three functions:

  1. Evaluate an expression against a data structure without type checking
  2. Provide dependency information of an expression
  3. Return the resulting type info of an expression when given a schema

All three functions walk the AST above and construct the required data.