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The Arcaflow type system

Arcaflow takes a departure from the classic run-and-pray approach of running workloads and validates workflows before executing them. To do this, Arcaflow starts the plugins as needed before the workflow is run and queries them for their schema. This schema will contain information about what kind of input a plugin requests and what kind of outputs it can produce.

A plugin can support multiple workflow steps and must provide information about the data types in its input and output for each step. A step can have exactly one input format, but may declare more than one output.

The type system is inspired by JSON schema and OpenAPI, but it is more restrictive due to the need to efficiently serialize workloads over various formats.


The typing system supports the following data types.

  • Objects are key-value pairs where the keys are always a fixed set of strings and values are of various types declared for each key. They are similar to classes in most programming languages. Fields in objects can be optional, which means they will have no value (commonly known as null, nil, or None), or a default value.
  • OneOf are a special type that is a union of multiple objects, distinguished by a special field called the discriminator.
  • Lists are a sequence of values of the same type. The value type can be any of the other types described in this section. List items must always have a value and cannot be empty (null, nil, or None).
  • Maps are key-value pairs that always have fixed types for both keys and values. Maps with mixed keys or values are not supported. Map keys can only be strings, integers, or enums. Map keys and values must always have a value and cannot be empty (null, nil, or None).
  • Enums are either strings or integers that can take only a fixed set of values. Enums with mixed value types are not supported.
  • Strings are a sequence of bytes.
  • Patterns are regular expressions.
  • Integers are 64-bit numbers that can take both positive and negative values.
  • Floats are 64-bit floating point numbers that can take both positive and negative values.
  • Booleans are values of true or false and cannot take any other values.
  • Scopes and Refs are object-like types that allow you to create circular references (see below).
  • Any accepts any primitive type (string, int, float, bool, map, list) but no patterns, objects, etc.


The typing system also contains more in-depth validation than just simple types:


Strings can have a minimum or maximum length, as well as validation against a regular expression.

Ints, floats

Number types can have a minimum and maximum value (inclusive).


Boolean types can take a value of either true or false, but when unserializing from YAML or JSON formats, strings or int values of true, yes, on, enable, enabled, 1, false, no, off, disable, disabled or 0 are also accepted.

Lists, maps

Lists and maps can have constraints on the minimum or maximum number of items in them (inclusive).


Object fields can have several constraints:

  • required_if has a list of other fields that, if set, make the current field required.
  • required_if_not has a list of other fields that, if none are set, make the current field required.
  • conflicts has a list of other fields that cannot be set together with the current field.


When you need to create a list of multiple object types, or simply have an either-or choice between two object types, you can use the OneOf type. This field uses an already existing field of the underlying objects, or adds an extra field to the schema to distinguish between the different types. Translated to JSON, you might see something like this:

  "_type": "Greeter",
  "message": "Hello world!"

Scopes and refs

Objects, on their own, cannot create circular references. It is not possible to create two objects that refer to each other. That’s where scopes and refs come into play. Scopes hold a list of objects, identified by an ID. Refs inside the scope (for example, in an object property) can refer to these IDs. Every scope has a root object, which will be used to provide its “object-like” features, such as a list of fields.

For example:

    id: my_root_object
root: my_root_object

Multiple scopes can be nested into each other. The ref always refers to the closest scope up the tree. Multiple scopes can be used when combining objects from several sources (e.g. several plugins) into one schema to avoid conflicting ID assignments.


Any accepts any primitive type (string, int, float, bool, map, list) but no patterns, objects, etc. This type is severely limited in its ability to validate data and should only be used in exceptional cases when there is no other way to describe a schema.


Object fields can also declare metadata that will help with creating user interfaces for the object. These fields are:

  • name: A user-readable name for the field.
  • description: A user-readable description for the field. It may contain newlines, but no other formatting is allowed.
  • icon: SVG icon

Intent inference

For display purposes, the type system is designed so that it can infer the intent of the data. We wish to communicate the following intents:

  • Graphs are x-y values of timestamps mapped to one or more values.
  • Log lines are timestamps associated with text.
  • Events are timestamps associated with other structured data.

We explicitly document the following inference rules, which will probably change in the future.

  • A map with keys of timestamps and values of integers or floats is rendered as a graph.
  • A map with keys of timestamps and values of objects consisting only of integers and floats is rendered as a graph.
  • A map with keys of timestamps and values of strings is considered a log line.
  • A map with keys of timestamps and objects that don’t match the rules above are considered an event.
  • A map with keys of short strings and integer or float values is considered a pie chart.
  • A list of objects consisting of a single timestamp and otherwise only integers and floats is rendered as a graph.
  • A list of objects with a single timestamp and a single string are considered a log line.
  • A list of objects with a single short string and a single integer or float is considered a pie chart.
  • A list of objects consisting of no more than one timestamp and multiple other fields not matching the rules above is considered an event.
  • If an object has a field called “title”, “name”, or “label”, it will be used as a label for the current data set in a chart, or as a title for the wrapping box for the user interface elements.

Reference Manual

This section explains how a scope object looks like. The plugin protocol contains a few more types that are used when communicating a schema.

Type: scope
Root object: Scope
objects (map[string, reference[Object]])
Name: Objects
Description: A set of referencable objects. These objects may contain references themselves.
Required: Yes
Key type
Type: string
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Must match pattern: ^[$@a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$
Value type
Type: reference[Object]
Referenced object: Object (see in the Objects section below)
root (string)
Name: Root object
Description: ID of the root object of the scope.
Required: Yes
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Must match pattern: ^[$@a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$
AnySchema (object)
Type: object


BoolSchema (object)
Type: object


Display (object)
Type: object
description (string)
Name: Description
Description: Description for this item if needed.
Required: No
Minimum: 1
"Please select the fruit you would like."
icon (string)
Name: Icon
Description: SVG icon for this item. Must have the declared size of 64x64, must not include additional namespaces, and must not reference external resources.
Required: No
Minimum: 1
"<svg ...></svg>"
name (string)
Name: Name
Description: Short text serving as a name or title for this item.
Required: No
Minimum: 1
Float (object)
Type: object
max (float)
Name: Maximum
Description: Maximum value for this float (inclusive).
Required: No
min (float)
Name: Minimum
Description: Minimum value for this float (inclusive).
Required: No
units (reference[Units])
Name: Units
Description: Units this number represents.
Required: No
Referenced object: Units (see in the Objects section below)
{   "base_unit": {       "name_short_singular": "%",       "name_short_plural": "%",       "name_long_singular": "percent",       "name_long_plural": "percent"   }}
Int (object)
Type: object
max (int)
Name: Maximum
Description: Maximum value for this int (inclusive).
Required: No
Minimum: 0
min (int)
Name: Minimum
Description: Minimum value for this int (inclusive).
Required: No
Minimum: 0
units (reference[Units])
Name: Units
Description: Units this number represents.
Required: No
Referenced object: Units (see in the Objects section below)
{   "base_unit": {       "name_short_singular": "%",       "name_short_plural": "%",       "name_long_singular": "percent",       "name_long_plural": "percent"   }}
IntEnum (object)
Type: object
units (reference[Units])
Name: Units
Description: Units this number represents.
Required: No
Referenced object: Units (see in the Objects section below)
{   "base_unit": {       "name_short_singular": "%",       "name_short_plural": "%",       "name_long_singular": "percent",       "name_long_plural": "percent"   }}
values (map[int, reference[Display]])
Name: Values
Description: Possible values for this field.
Required: Yes
| Minimum items: | 1 |
Key type
Type: int
Value type
Type: reference[Display]
Referenced object: Display (see in the Objects section below)
{"1024": {"name": "kB"}, "1048576": {"name": "MB"}}
List (object)
Type: object
items (one of[string])
Name: Items
Description: ReflectedType definition for items in this list.
Required: No
max (int)
Name: Maximum
Description: Maximum value for this int (inclusive).
Required: No
Minimum: 0
min (int)
Name: Minimum
Description: Minimum number of items in this list..
Required: No
Minimum: 0
Map (object)
Type: object
keys (one of[string])
Name: Keys
Description: ReflectedType definition for keys in this map.
Required: No
max (int)
Name: Maximum
Description: Maximum value for this int (inclusive).
Required: No
Minimum: 0
min (int)
Name: Minimum
Description: Minimum number of items in this list..
Required: No
Minimum: 0
values (one of[string])
Name: Values
Description: ReflectedType definition for values in this map.
Required: No
Object (object)
Type: object
id (string)
Name: ID
Description: Unique identifier for this object within the current scope.
Required: Yes
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Must match pattern: ^[$@a-zA-Z0-9-_]&#43;$
properties (map[string, reference[Property]])
Name: Properties
Description: Properties of this object.
Required: Yes
Key type
Type: string
Minimum: 1
Value type
Type: reference[Property]
Referenced object: Property (see in the Objects section below)
OneOfIntSchema (object)
Type: object
discriminator_field_name (string)
Name: Discriminator field name
Description: Name of the field used to discriminate between possible values. If this field is present on any of the component objects it must also be an int.
Required: No
types (map[int, one of[string]])
Name: Types
Required: No
Key type
Type: int
Value type
Type: one of[string]
OneOfStringSchema (object)
Type: object
discriminator_field_name (string)
Name: Discriminator field name
Description: Name of the field used to discriminate between possible values. If this field is present on any of the component objects it must also be an int.
Required: No
types (map[string, one of[string]])
Name: Types
Required: No
Key type
Type: string
Value type
Type: one of[string]
Pattern (object)
Type: object


Property (object)
Type: object
conflicts (list[string])
Name: Conflicts
Description: The current property cannot be set if any of the listed properties are set.
Required: No
List Items
Type: string
default (string)
Name: Default
Description: Default value for this property in JSON encoding. The value must be unserializable by the type specified in the type field.
Required: No
display (reference[Display])
Name: Display
Description: Name, description and icon.
Required: No
Referenced object: Display (see in the Objects section below)
examples (list[string])
Name: Examples
Description: Example values for this property, encoded as JSON.
Required: No
List Items
Type: string
required (bool)
Name: Required
Description: When set to true, the value for this field must be provided under all circumstances.
Required: No
required_if (list[string])
Name: Required if
Description: Sets the current property to required if any of the properties in this list are set.
Required: No
List Items
Type: string
required_if_not (list[string])
Name: Required if not
Description: Sets the current property to be required if none of the properties in this list are set.
Required: No
List Items
Type: string
type (one of[string])
Name: Type
Description: Type definition for this field.
Required: Yes
Ref (object)
Type: object
display (reference[Display])
Name: Display
Description: Name, description and icon.
Required: No
Referenced object: Display (see in the Objects section below)
id (string)
Name: ID
Description: Referenced object ID.
Required: No
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Must match pattern: ^[$@a-zA-Z0-9-_]&#43;$
Scope (object)
Type: object
objects (map[string, reference[Object]])
Name: Objects
Description: A set of referencable objects. These objects may contain references themselves.
Required: Yes
Key type
Type: string
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Must match pattern: ^[$@a-zA-Z0-9-_]&#43;$
Value type
Type: reference[Object]
Referenced object: Object (see in the Objects section below)
root (string)
Name: Root object
Description: ID of the root object of the scope.
Required: Yes
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 255
Must match pattern: ^[$@a-zA-Z0-9-_]&#43;$
String (object)
Type: object
max (int)
Name: Maximum
Description: Maximum length for this string (inclusive).
Required: No
Minimum: 0
Units: characters
min (int)
Name: Minimum
Description: Minimum length for this string (inclusive).
Required: No
Minimum: 0
Units: characters
pattern (pattern)
Name: Pattern
Description: Regular expression this string must match.
Required: No
StringEnum (object)
Type: object
values (map[string, reference[Display]])
Name: Values
Description: Mapping where the left side of the map holds the possible value and the right side holds the display value for forms, etc.
Required: Yes
| Minimum items: | 1 |
Key type
Type: string
Value type
Type: reference[Display]
Referenced object: Display (see in the Objects section below)
  "apple": {
    "name": "Apple"
  "orange": {
    "name": "Orange"
Unit (object)
Type: object
name_long_plural (string)
Name: Name long (plural)
Description: Longer name for this UnitDefinition in plural form.
Required: Yes
name_long_singular (string)
Name: Name long (singular)
Description: Longer name for this UnitDefinition in singular form.
Required: Yes
name_short_plural (string)
Name: Name short (plural)
Description: Shorter name for this UnitDefinition in plural form.
Required: Yes
name_short_singular (string)
Name: Name short (singular)
Description: Shorter name for this UnitDefinition in singular form.
Required: Yes
Units (object)
Type: object
base_unit (reference[Unit])
Name: Base UnitDefinition
Description: The base UnitDefinition is the smallest UnitDefinition of scale for this set of UnitsDefinition.
Required: Yes
Referenced object: Unit (see in the Objects section below)
  "name_short_singular": "B",
  "name_short_plural": "B",
  "name_long_singular": "byte",
  "name_long_plural": "bytes"
multipliers (map[int, reference[Unit]])
Name: Base UnitDefinition
Description: The base UnitDefinition is the smallest UnitDefinition of scale for this set of UnitsDefinition.
Required: No
Key type
Type: int
Value type
Type: reference[Unit]
Referenced object: Unit (see in the Objects section below)
  "1024": {
    "name_short_singular": "kB",
    "name_short_plural": "kB",
    "name_long_singular": "kilobyte",
    "name_long_plural": "kilobytes"
  "1048576": {
    "name_short_singular": "MB",
    "name_short_plural": "MB",
    "name_long_singular": "megabyte",
    "name_long_plural": "megabytes"