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Arcaflow expressions

Arcaflow expressions were inspired by JSONPath but have diverged from the syntax. You can use expressions in a workflow YAML like this:

some_value: !expr $

This page explains the language elements of expressions.


Expressions in workflow definitions must be prefixed with !expr, otherwise their literal value will be taken as a string.


Literals represent constant values in an expression.

String values

Normal string literals start and end with a matched pair of either single quotes (') or double quotes (") and have zero or more characters between the quotes.

Strings may contain special characters. In normal strings, these characters are represented by “escape sequences” consisting of a backslash followed by another character. Since a backslash therefore has a special meaning, in order to represent a literal backslash character, it must be preceded by another backslash. Similarly, in a string delimited by double quotes, a double quote occurring inside the string must be escaped to prevent it from marking the end of the string. The same is true for single quotes occurring inside a string delimited by single quotes. However, you do not need to escape double quotes in a single-quoted string nor single-quotes in a double-quoted string.

Here is the list of supported escape characters:

Escape Result
\\ \ backslash character
\t tab character
\n newline character
\r carriage return character
\b backspace character
\" " double quote character
\' ' single quote character
\0 null character

For example, to have the following text represented in a single string:

test test2/\

You would need the expression "test\ntest2/\\"

String Expressions in YAML

When expressing string literals in YAML, be aware that YAML has its own rules around the use of quotation marks.

For example, to include a double-quoted string in an expression, you must either add single quotes around the expression or use block flow scalars. Inside a single-quoted string, an apostrophe needs to be preceded by another apostrophe to indicate that it does not terminate the string.

Here is an example of the following value represented in a few of the various ways:

Here’s an apostrophe and “embedded quotes”.

Inlined with single quotes:

some_value_1: !expr '"Here''s an apostrophe and \"embedded quotes\"."'


  • The !expr tag indicates to the YAML processor that the value is an Arca expression.
  • The single quotes cause the YAML processor to pass the contents of the string intact except for replacing the repeated apostrophe with a single one. (They are not included in the expression value.)
  • The backslash-escapes are replaced by Arca’s expression processing. (The unescaped double quotes are not included in the expression value.)

Inlined with double quotes:

some_value_2: !expr "'Here\\'s an apostrophe and \"embedded quotes\".'"


  • The !expr tag indicates to the YAML processor that the value is an Arca expression.
  • The double quotes cause the YAML processor to interpret the contents of the string:
    • the \\ is replaced with a single backslash;
    • each \" is replaced with a literal ";
    • the surrounding double quotes are not included in the expression value.
  • The backslash-escapes are replaced by Arca’s expression processing. (The unescaped single quotes are not included in the expression value.)

With Block Flow Scalar:

some_value_1: !expr |-
  'Here\'s an apostrophe and "embedded quotes".'
some_value_2: !expr |-
  "Here's an apostrophe and \"embedded quotes\"."


  • The !expr tag indicates to the YAML processor that the value is an Arca expression.
  • The vertical bar (|) causes the YAML processor to pass the contents of the string without modification.
  • Newlines within the expression are included in the string; the hyphen (-) after the vertical bar causes the trailing newline to be omitted from the end of the string.
  • The backslash-escapes are replaced by Arca’s expression processing. The unescaped quotes are not included in the expression value; the other quotes are escaped to prevent them from ending the string prematurely; the double quotes in some_value_1 do not need to be escaped nor do the single quotes in some_value_2.

See Raw string values to see how to do this without escaping.

Raw string values

Raw string literals start and end with backtick characters “`“.

In a raw string, all characters are interpreted literally. This means that you can use ' and " characters without escaping them, and backslashes are treated like any other character. However, backtick characters cannot appear in a raw string.

Here is an example of the following value represented using raw strings:

Here’s an apostrophe and “embedded quotes”.


some_value: !expr '`Here''s an apostrophe and "embedded quotes".`'


  • The !expr tag indicates to the YAML processor that the value is an Arca expression.
  • The single quotes cause the YAML processor to pass the contents of the string intact except for replacing the repeated apostrophe with a single one. (They are not included in the expression value.)
  • The backticks cause Arca’s expression processing to use the string verbatim. (The backticks are not included in the expression value.)

With Block Flow Scalar:

some_value: !expr |-
  `Here's an apostrophe and "embedded quotes".`


  • The !expr tag indicates to the YAML processor that the value is an Arca expression.
  • The vertical bar (|) causes the YAML processor to pass the contents of the string without modification.
  • Newlines within the expression are included in the string; the hyphen (-) after the vertical bar causes the trailing newline to be omitted from the end of the string.
  • The backticks cause Arca’s expression processing to use the string verbatim, thus the embedded quotes don’t require escapes. (The backticks are not included in the expression value.)

Integer numbers

Integers are whole numbers expressed as sequences of base-10 digits.

Integer literals may not start with 0, unless the value is 0. For example, 001 is not a valid integer literal.


  • 0
  • 1
  • 503

Negative values are constructed by applying the negation operator (-) to a literal numeric value.

Floating point numbers

Floating point literals are non-negative double-precision floating point numbers.

Supported formats include:

  • number characters followed by a period followed by zero or more number characters: 1.1 or 1.
  • base-10 exponential scientific notation formats like 5.0e5 and 5.0E-5

Negative values are constructed by applying the negation operator (-) to a literal numeric value.

Boolean values

Boolean literals have two valid values:

  • true
  • false

No other values are valid boolean literals. The values are case-sensitive.

Root reference

The $ character always references the root of the data structure. Let’s take this data structure:

  bar: Hello world!

You can reference the text like this:


Dot notation

The dot notation allows you to reference fields of an object.

For example, if you have an object on the root data structure named “a” with the field “b” in it, you can access it with:


Bracket accessor

The bracket accessor is used for referencing values in maps or lists.

List access

For list access, you specify the index of the value you want to access. The index should be an expression yielding a non-negative integer value, where zero corresponds to the first value in the list.

If you have a list named foo:

  - Hello world!

You can access the first value with the expression:


Giving the output "Hello world!"

Map access

Maps, also known as dictionaries in some languages, are key-value pair data structures.

To use a map in an expression, the expression to the left of the brackets must be a reference to a map. That is then followed by a pair of brackets with a sub-expression between them. That sub-expression must evaluate to a valid key in the map.

Here is an example of a map with string keys and integer values. The map is stored in a field called foo in the root-level object:

  a: 1
  b: 2

Given the map shown above, the following expression would yield a value of 2:



The engine provides predefined functions for use in expressions. These provide transformations beyond what is available from operators.


function definition return type description
intToFloat(integer) float Converts an integer value into the equivalent floating point value.
floatToInt(float) integer Converts a floating point value into an integer value by discarding the fraction, rounding toward zero to the nearest integer.

Special cases:
  +Inf yields the maximum 64-bit integer (9223372036854775807)
  -Inf and NaN yield the minimum 64-bit integer (-9223372036854775808)

For example, 5.5 yields 5, and -1.9 yields -1
intToString(integer) string Returns a string containing the base-10 representation of the input.

For example, an input of 55 yields "55"
floatToString(float) string Returns a string containing the base-10 representation of the input.

For example, an input of 5000.5 yields "5000.5"
floatToFormattedString(float, string, integer) string Returns a string containing the input in the specified format with the specified precision.
  Param 1: the floating point input value
  Param 2: the format specifier: "e", "E", "f", "g", "G"
  Param 3: the number of digits

Specifying -1 for the precision will produce the minimum number of digits required to represent the value exactly. (See the Go runtime documentation for details.)
boolToString(boolean) string Returns "true" for true, and "false" for false.
stringToInt(string) integer Interprets the string as a base-10 integer. Returns an error if the input is not a valid integer.
stringToFloat(string) float Converts the input string to a double-precision floating-point number.

Accepts floating-point numbers as defined by the Go syntax for floating point literals. If the input is well-formed and near a valid floating-point number, returns the nearest floating-point number rounded using IEEE754 unbiased rounding. Returns an error when an invalid input is received.
stringToBool(string) boolean Interprets the input as a boolean.

Accepts "1", "t", and "true" as true and "0", "f", and "false" as false (case is not significant). Returns an error for any other input.
ceil(float) float Returns the least integer value greater than or equal to the input.

Special cases are:
  ceil(±0.0) = ±0.0
  ceil(±Inf) = ±Inf
  ceil(NaN) = NaN

For example ceil(1.5) yields 2.0, and ceil(-1.5) yields -1.0
floor(float) float Returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to the input.

Special cases are:
  floor(±0.0) = ±0.0
  floor(±Inf) = ±Inf
  floor(NaN) = NaN

For example floor(1.5) yields 1.0, and floor(-1.5) yields -2.0
round(float) float Returns the nearest integer to the input, rounding half away from zero.

Special cases are:
  round(±0.0) = ±0.0
  round(±Inf) = ±Inf
  round(NaN) = NaN

For example round(1.5) yields 2.0, and round(-1.5) yields -2.0
abs(float) float Returns the absolute value of the input.

Special cases are:
  abs(±Inf) = +Inf
  abs(NaN) = NaN
toLower(string) string Returns the input with Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.
toUpper(string) string Returns the input with Unicode letters mapped to their upper case.
splitString(string, string) list[string] Returns a list of the substrings which appear between instances of the specified separator; the separator instances are not included in the resulting list elements; adjacent occurrences of separator instances as well as instances appearing at the beginning or ending of the input will produce empty string list elements.
  Param 1: The string to split.
  Param 2: The separator.
readFile(string) string Returns the contents of a file as a UTF-8 character string, given a file path string. Relative file paths are resolved from the Arcaflow process working directory. Shell environment variables are not expanded.
bindConstants(list[any], any) list[object] Returns a list of objects each containing two properties: an item property which contains the corresponding item from the list in the first parameter; and, a constant property which contains the value of the second input parameter. The output list items will have a generated schema name as described in Generated Schema Names. For usage see this example.

A function is used in an expression by referencing its name followed by a comma-separated list of zero or more argument expressions enclosed in parentheses.


thisIsAFunction("this is a string literal for the first parameter", $.a.b)

Binary Operations

Binary Operations have an expression to the left and right, with an operator in between. The order of operations determines which operators are evaluated first. See Order of Operations

The types of the left and right operand expressions must match. To convert between types, see the list of available functions. The type of the resulting expression is the same as the type of its operands.

Operator Description
+ Addition/Concatenation
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
^ Exponentiation
== Equal To
!= Not Equal To
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or Equal To
<= Less Than or Equal To
&& Logical And
\|\| Logical Or


This operator has different behavior depending on the type.

String Concatenation

When the + operator is used with two strings, it concatenates them together. For example, the expression "a" + "b" would output the string "ab".

Mathematical Addition

When the + operator is used with numerical operands, it adds them together. The operator requires numerical operands with the same type. You cannot mix float and integer operands. For example, the expression 2 + 2 would output the integer 4.


When the - operator is applied to numerical operands, the result is the value of the right operand subtracted from the value of the left. The operator requires numerical operands with the same type. You cannot mix float and integer operands.

For example, the expression 6 - 4 would output the integer 2. The expression $.a - $.b would evaluate the values of a and b within the root, and subtract the value of $.b from $.a.


When the * operator is used with numerical operands, it multiplies them. The operator requires numerical operands with the same type.

For example, the expression 3 * 3 would output the integer 9.


When the / operator is used with numerical operands, it outputs the value of the left expression divided by the value of the right. The operator requires numerical operands with the same type.

The result of integer division is rounded towards zero. If a non-integral result is required, or if different rounding logic is required, convert the inputs into floating point numbers with the intToFloat function. Different types of rounding can be performed on floating point numbers with the functions ceil, floor, and round.

For example, the expression -3 / 2 would yield the integer value -1.


When the % operator is used with numerical operands, it evaluates to the remainder when the value of the left expression is divided by the value of the right. The operator requires numerical operands with the same type.

For example, the expression 5 % 3 would output the integer 2.


The ^ operator outputs the result of the left side raised to the power of the right side. The operator requires numerical operands with the same type.

The mathematical expression 23 is represented in the expression language as 2^3, which would output the integer 8.

Equal To

The == operator evaluates to true if the values of the left and right operands are the same. Both operands must have the same type. You may use functions to convert between types – see functions for more type conversions. The operator supports the types integer, float, string, and boolean.

For example, 2 == 2 results in true, and "a" == "b" results in false. 1 == 1.0 would result in a type error.

Not Equal To

The != operator is the inverse of the == operator. It evaluates to false if the values of the left and right operands are the same. Both operands must have the same type. You may use functions to convert between types – see functions for more type conversions. The operator supports the types integer, float, string, and boolean.

For example, 2 != 2 results in false, and "a" != "b" results in true. 1 != 1.0 would result in a type error.

Greater Than

The > operator outputs true if the left side is greater than the right side, and false otherwise. The operator requires numerical or string operands. The type must be the same for both operands. String operands are compared using the lexicographical order of the charset.

For an integer example, the expression 3 > 3 would output the boolean false, and 4 > 3 would output true. For a string example, the expression "a" > "b" would output false.

Less Than

The < operator outputs true if the left side is less than the right side, and false otherwise. The operator requires numerical or string operands. The type must be the same for both operands. String operands are compared using the lexicographical order of the charset.

For an integer example, the expression 3 < 3 would output the boolean false, and 1 < 2 would output true. For a string example, the expression "a" < "b" would output true.

Greater Than or Equal To

The >= operator outputs true if the left side is greater than or equal to (not less than) the right side, and false otherwise. The operator requires numerical or string operands. The type must be the same for both operands. String operands are compared using the lexicographical order of the charset.

For an integer example, the expression 3 >= 3 would output the boolean true, 3 >= 4 would output false, and 4 >= 3 would output true.

Less Than or Equal To

The <= operator outputs true if the left side is less than or equal to (not greater than) the right side, and false otherwise. The operator requires numerical or string operands. The type must be the same for both operands. String operands are compared using the lexicographical order of the charset.

For example, the expression 3 <= 3 would output the boolean true, 3 <= 4 would output true, and 4 <= 3 would output false.

Logical AND

The && operator returns true if both the left and right sides are true, and false otherwise. This operator requires boolean operands. Note: The operation does not “short-circuit” – both the left and right expressions are evaluated before the comparison takes place.

All cases:

Left Right &&
true true true
true false false
false true false
false false false

Logical OR

The || operator returns true if either or both of the left and right sides are true, and false otherwise. This operator requires boolean operands. Note: The operation does not “short-circuit” – both the left and right expressions are evaluated before the comparison takes place.

All cases:

Left Right \|\|
true true true
true false true
false true true
false false false

Unary Operations

Unary operations are operations that have one input. The operator is applied to the expression which follows it.

Operator Description
- Negation
! Logical complement


The - operator negates the value of the expression which follows it.

This operation requires numeric input.

Examples with integer literals: -5, - 5
Example with a float literal: -50.0
Example with a reference: -$.foo
Example with parentheses and a sub-expression: -(5 + 5)

Logical complement

The ! operator logically inverts the value of the expression which follows it.

This operation requires boolean input.

Example with a boolean literal: !true
Example with a reference: !$.foo


Parentheses are used to force precedence in the expression. They do not do anything implicitly (for example, there is no implied multiplication).

For example, the expression 5 + 5 * 5 evaluates the 5 * 5 before the +, resulting in 5 + 25, and finally 30. If you want the 5 + 5 to be run first, you must use parentheses. That gives you the expression (5 + 5) * 5, resulting in 10 * 5, and finally 50.

Order of Operations

The order of operations is designed to match mathematics and most programming languages.

Order (highest to lowest; operators listed on the same line are evaluated in the order they appear in the expression):

Other information

More information on the expression language is available in the development guide.


Referencing inputs

Pass a workflow input directly to a plugin input

version: v0.2.0
  root: RootObject
      id: RootObject
            type_id: string

      deployment_type: image
        key: !expr $

Passing between steps

Pass output from one plugin to the input of another plugin

version: v0.2.0
      deployment_type: image
    input: {}

      deployment_type: image 
        key: !expr $.steps.step_a.outputs.success.some_value

Binding Constants

  hostname: mogo
  - cpu_load: 10
  - cpu_load: 20
  - cpu_load: 40
  - cpu_load: 60
version: v0.2.0
  root: RootObject
      id: RootObject
            type_id: ref
            id: RepeatedValues
            type_id: list
              id: SubRootObject
              type_id: ref
      id: RepeatedValues
            type_id: string
      id: SubRootObject
            type_id: integer            

      deployment_type: image 
    input: !expr 'bindConstants($.input.varying_inputs, $.input.repeated_inputs)'

In this case, we do not need to know the schema name of the type output generated by bindConstants(). If you need to reference the schema of the list items returned by bindConstants(), see Generated Schema Name.